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Discussion Paper: A new local organic produce depot for London?

The organisation East Anglia Food Link is working under the Making Local Food Work programme, to support and develop supply chains providing local food to community food outlets in London.

Early discussions with a number of producers and outlets suggest that a new local organic produce depot might fulfil a number of needs, particularly in providing viable access to London markets for producers (regional, peri-urban and urban) and ready access to local food for even the smallest community outlets.

The organisation East Anglia Food Link is working under the Making Local Food Work programme, to support and develop supply chains providing local food to community food outlets in London.

Early discussions with a number of producers and outlets suggest that a new local organic produce depot might fulfil a number of needs, particularly in providing viable access to London markets for producers (regional, peri-urban and urban) and ready access to local food for even the smallest community outlets.

A paper discusses how such a depot might be shaped, developed and operated, and the benefits it might bring. It builds on an earlier proposal for a London-wide food buying co-op, by Josiah Meldrum, then working for Eostre Organics, in July 2007. EAFL notes that these are tentative ideas and says that any initiative of this kind must be shaped by the needs and ambitions of the producers and outlets it will serve. Ideally, ownership and control of any depot would ultimately be vested with these participants.

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