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Defra's Framework for Sustainable Lifestyles

Defra’s Centre of Expertise on Influencing Behaviours has published a Framework for Sustainable Lifestyles, a slide set as a tool to help develop effective approaches to encourage more sustainable lifestyles. This also enables Government improve the support given to organisations supporting sustainable lifestyles.

The set builds on the 2008 Framework for Pro-environmental Behaviours and provides key insights from Defra's understanding of the evidence on people's behaviour. The Framework covers:

Defra’s Centre of Expertise on Influencing Behaviours has published a Framework for Sustainable Lifestyles, a slide set as a tool to help develop effective approaches to encourage more sustainable lifestyles. This also enables Government improve the support given to organisations supporting sustainable lifestyles.

The set builds on the 2008 Framework for Pro-environmental Behaviours and provides key insights from Defra's understanding of the evidence on people's behaviour. The Framework covers:

  • Defra's approach to influencing behaviour: The basis of this approach and the components within it.
  • a set of key behaviours that constitute a sustainable lifestyle (the assessment criteria include sustainability impacts and potential for action). There are 9 headline behaviour goals with 30 key behaviours identified within these.
  • taking an evidence based approach: Insights and evidence including an assessment of why some people act and others do not.

The slide set includes insights tailored for six different areas:

  • using water wisely within your home
  • enjoying and protecting the natural environment
  • growing, buying, cooking and eating sustainable and healthier food
  • minimising waste
  • sustainable travel
  • eco-upgrading your home, with a focus on energy and water efficient upgrades and retrofits.

You can download the slide set and the supporting research, here.

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