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Danish Environmental Protection Agency: Policies to promote SCP via the food retail sector

The Danish EPA has compiled guidance for policy-makers aiming to promote SCP in the food retailing sector. It states that  “Government has an important enabling role to play in using policy levers to support the development of a business case for manufacturers and retailers to produce and deliver more sustainable products. 

The Danish EPA has compiled guidance for policy-makers aiming to promote SCP in the food retailing sector. It states that  “Government has an important enabling role to play in using policy levers to support the development of a business case for manufacturers and retailers to produce and deliver more sustainable products.

Many of the policy instruments introduced in the Nordic region over the last decades to promote SCP, directly influence retailers. A common feature of these policies is that they also create opportunities for the more proactive retailer. However, current levels of consumption in the Nordic region remain unsustainable and further policy support is clearly needed.”  It calls for a more integrated and coherent policy framework, and recommends the development of eco-tax reforms, shifting tax from labour to material consumption. It also calls for more ambitious GPP strategies (not sure what this acronym stands for and haven’t been able to work it out from the text) with mandatory requirements.

Note that the EPA is part of Denmark’s Ministry of the Environment and this willingness to examine regulatory and fiscal measures appears to me to be in significant contrast to the UK’s reluctance to go beyond voluntary initiatives.

For more information, see here.


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