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Dairy to shrink energy bills with anaerobic digestion investment

An article in Food Manufacture reports on Langage Farm’s new £3.4 million anaerobic digestion project which, by the end of its first year of operation, will process 12,000 tonnes of food waste collected from households across the county by local authorities. The facility will also process on-farm dairy wastes, converting these fuels into renewable heat and electricity. The renewable energy will not only power the dairy products production, but also export surplus energy to the National Grid.

An article in Food Manufacture reports on Langage Farm’s new £3.4 million anaerobic digestion project which, by the end of its first year of operation, will process 12,000 tonnes of food waste collected from households across the county by local authorities. The facility will also process on-farm dairy wastes, converting these fuels into renewable heat and electricity. The renewable energy will not only power the dairy products production, but also export surplus energy to the National Grid. In its first five years, the Langage AD facility expects to produce 20,000 MW of energy saving the equivalent of 2,000 tonnes of CO2 per annum on energy bills. See here for more ...



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