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Dairy industry road map – progress report

The UK dairy industry's 2010 Dairy roadmap, reports on progress made within the industry since the launch of its first roadmap in 2008. The report finds that all the targets that were set out have been met, except for one:

Dairy farmer targets and progress

  • 61% of dairy managed farmland has been entered into Environmental Stewardship Schemes (target 50%)
  • 58% of respondent farms have made changes changes to make better use of water in the last 12 months (target 5-15% uptake of water use efficiency measures)
  • 65% dairy farmer’s actively nutrient planning (target 65%)
  • 99.6% of dairy farmers have a manure management plan (target 95%
  • 94.9% of dairy farmers have Farm Health Plans (target 95%)
  • 9 anaerobic digestors in operation (target 30 dairy farms piloting on-farm anaerobic digestion)
  • 39.4% of dairy farmer’s trialling new technologies to reduce emissions from agriculture (target 20-30%)
  • 100% of dairy farmers, through DairyCo, supporting research into new technologies (achieved through increased investment by DairyCo in this area)
  • Processor targets and progress

    • A minimum of 10% recycled plastic in milk bottles (target 10%)
    • All processors will meet or beat energy and CO2 reductions of the sector Climate Change agreement – 27% improvement in energy efficiency over 10 years achieved
    • Dairy UK will operate an environmental benchmarking and best practice performance programme which will publish an annual sustainability report
    • providing evidence of progress towards targets – wide spread use of tool achieved.

    Retailer targets and progress (all achieved)

    • All major multiple retailers should establish positive, direct (where appropriate) relationships with dairy farmers and processors
    • All major retailers should recognise the work of the Roadmap and, where possible, incorporate targets within their own Corporate Responsibility targets, covering points such as greenhouse gas emissions, reductions in energy and water use and reduction in waste going to landfill
    • All major retailers should consider the use of technological interventions to reduce CO2 emissions associated with the transport of liquid milk
    • Retailers should support supply chain delivery of environmental benefits.

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