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Committee on Climate Change publishes first annual report to Parliament

The first annual report to Parliament by the Committee on Climate Change (CCC), published on the 12 October, concludes that a step change is required in the pace of UK emissions reduction to meet carbon budgets, and that in some areas, new policy approaches will be required to deliver the Government's Low Carbon Transition Plan. The report's key findings are that:

In the 5 years 2003-2007, emissions reductions averaged 0.5% per annum: going forward, reductions of 2-3%pa will be required to meet the carbon budgets. A step change in the pace of reduction is needed.

The first annual report to Parliament by the Committee on Climate Change (CCC), published on the 12 October, concludes that a step change is required in the pace of UK emissions reduction to meet carbon budgets, and that in some areas, new policy approaches will be required to deliver the Government's Low Carbon Transition Plan. The report's key findings are that:

In the 5 years 2003-2007, emissions reductions averaged 0.5% per annum: going forward, reductions of 2-3%pa will be required to meet the carbon budgets. A step change in the pace of reduction is needed.

Declining economic activity is likely to have produced an emissions cut of around 2% in 2008, and recession could reduce emissions in the first budget period by a total of 40-70 million tonnes. But recession induced reductions must not be confused with underlying progress, which could be undermined by a recession induced fall in the carbon price. The UK should now aim to overachieve emissions reductions in the first budget period.

Analysis of the actions needed to ensure delivery of the first three carbon budgets, suggests a need to revise or strengthen policy in 3 particular areas: electricity generation, residential and commercial buildings, and transport.

You can read the press release here.

Note that the CCC's second annual report will be published in June 2010. This will include an assessment of progress reducing emissions to meet budget and 'will also report any new analysis, particularly as regards scope for reducing agriculture emissions.'

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