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Commission on Sustainable Agriculture and Climate Change established

A new Commission on Sustainable Agriculture and Climate Change has been set up by the is an initiative of the CGIAR Research Program - Climate Change, Agriculture and Food Security programme (CCAFS), with additional funding from the Global Donor Platform for Rural Development.

The Commission’s objectives are to identify what policy changes and actions are needed now to help the world achieve sustainable agriculture that contributes to food security and poverty reduction, and helps respond to climate change adaptation and mitigation goals.

Specifically, the Commission will focus on bringing together existing evidence on sustainable agriculture that contributes to food security and poverty reduction, and helps respond to climate change adaptation and mitigation goals.

The Commission begins its work in mid-February 2011 and will deliver its findings for use by decision makers on climate change and agriculture policies by December 2011.

The Chair of the Commission is John Beddington. Interestingly, no one on the Commission seems to have a health/nutrition background – this seems a little surprising, since the kind of food we need to produce in the future seems to be as important as how much of it.

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