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Climate scoreboard developed

The Sustainability Institute, the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, and Ventana Systems have jointly developed a Climate Scoreboard. This is an online embeddable widget that allows the public, journalists and others to track progress in the ongoing negotiations to produce an international climate treaty.

The Sustainability Institute, the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, and Ventana Systems have jointly developed a Climate Scoreboard. This is an online embeddable widget that allows the public, journalists and others to track progress in the ongoing negotiations to produce an international climate treaty.

The Scoreboard allows users to check, on a daily basis, whether proposals in the treaty process commit countries to enough greenhouse gas emissions reductions to achieve widely expressed goals, such as limiting future warming to 1.5 to 2.0 degrees C (2.7 to 3.6 degrees F) above pre-industrial temperatures. The Scoreboard tracks progress in the negotiations and using a computer simulation package shows what effect they would have on the estimated temperature increase in 2100 if current proposals within the negotiations were to be implemented.

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