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Climate change and food security in Africa - FAO report

The FAO has published a report of its Twenty-sixth regional conference for Africa entitled Climate change implications for food security and natural Resources management in Africa.

It highlights the fact that climate change is likely to negatively and disproportionately affect crop yields, natural resources and food security in Africa, the need to target vulnerable groups, promote and protect traditional knowledge and build peri urban agriculture around cities and towns. It emphasises the need to build capacity, infrastructure and communication in Africa, and involve Africa in voluntary carbon markets and other mechanisms.

Finally it says that “measures to reduce climate change impacts in Africa must be seen as additional to ongoing international development assistance, not as a substitute. There needs to be a harmonized approach in international joint efforts on actions that will help insulate the African farmer from the worst impacts of climate change by anticipatory adaptation. This would need policy coherence for aid effectiveness and accelerated implementation of commitments under the Paris Declaration, the Accra Agenda for Action, as well as use of the 2009 L’Aquila principles, with a strong focus on in-country implementation.”

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