The book chapter Why sustainable plant-based diets are needed to reverse the food-climate-health-equity crisis by FCRN member David A Cleveland, part of the book Plant-based diets for succulence and sustainability, argues that plant-based diets are a key part of the response to the interlinked crises in food, climate, health and inequality.
I assume that most of us want delicious, nutritious food; environment-and climate-friendly food; and just and ethical food that supports our communities (human and non-human). The food systems that both drive our diets and are driven by them jeopardize all of these goals by creating a food-climate-health-equity crisis. In this chapter, I answer key questions about the relationship of our current diets to the food-climate-health-equity crisis and the potential of sustainable (in terms of the environment, health, and community) plant-based diets (SPBDs) as a solution. I then give some examples of potential and existing efforts to move towards SPBDs and mitigate the crisis.
Cleveland, D. A. (2019). The solution on our plates: why sustainable plant based diets are needed to reverse the food-climate-health-equity crisis. In Plant-Based Diets for Succulence and Sustainability, K.M. Kevany, editor, pp. 31-48. Milton Park, Abingdon, Oxon, UK and New York: Routledge.
Read more here. The text of the chapter can be viewed on Google Books. See also the Foodsource resource How might we define sustainable and healthy eating patterns (SHEPs)?
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