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Blog-post and videos: Sustainability is the Quiet Centerpiece of the Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee Scientific Report

This blog-post by Georgetown University professor Thomas Sherman discusses what he calls the “surprise feature” of considering sustainability in the new Dietary Guidelines for Americans, suggested by the Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee.

In addition to the blog-post, Georgetown university’s Food Studies Group has published a series of videos on what the new dietary recommendations mean.

You can read the blog-post and see links to the videos here.

You can also find a very helpful blog-post about the new dietary guidelines on the FCRN website; it is written by Mike Hamm, one of the two experts on sustainability consulted by the Guidelines Committee in developing its report. Read the blog: “U.S. Dietary Guidelines Report – What’s the Fuss Over Sustainability?”.

GreenBiz has just published an article on the Guidelines entitled: “The Inside View Sustainability on the dietary plate: A huge milestone”.

A petition has recently been launched on asking people to sign to show their support for the new guidelines.  The petition is entitled: “Resist pressure from big food corporations to remove sustainability from the 2015 Dietary Guidelines for Americans” and if you want to sign it, see here.

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