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Biochar: a solution to poultry manure problem?

The Poultry Site reports on an article in USA Today that in turn reports on a farmer who is making biochar from chicken manure. The farm produces up to 800,000 chickens a year.

You can read the Poultry Site article here and the original, longer article in USA Today here.

The Poultry Site reports on an article in USA Today that in turn reports on a farmer who is making biochar from chicken manure. The farm produces up to 800,000 chickens a year.

You can read the Poultry Site article here and the original, longer article in USA Today here.

The conversion of poultry manure into biochar would presumably only make sense in situations where the manure is deposited over a very small area – ie. in intensive poultry units, rather than in free range systems - raising questions for many about the ethical implications of predicating a carbon mitigation technology on livestock systems that are problematic, from a welfare perspective.

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