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Big firms fail to recognise risk of biodiversity loss

A new report by PricewaterhouseCoopers finds that only two of the world’s largest 100 companies have identified biodiversity and ecosystem loss as a strategic issue. This is despite the estimated $2 - $4.5 trillion annual economic cost of biodiversity loss and ecosystem degradation.

Only 18 companies made any mention of biodiversity or ecosystems in their full annual report, of these six have measures in place to reduce their impacts, and only two identified it as a strategic issue.

In sectors identified with a high dependency or impact, including food producers and primary industrial sectors, 89 companies producing sustainability reports; 23% disclosed some detail on biodiversity and nine identified it as a key sustainability issue.

The analysis by PWC was undertaken as part of the UN report on the Economics of Ecosystems and Biodiversity for business to be released in summer. For more information see here.

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