The first progress report of A Better Retailing Climate initiative has been published. It describes how retailers since 2005 have improved their performance against the environmental targets set out in the initiative, and that they have:
- · Reduced absolute carbon emissions from stores and transport by 13 per cent
- · Reduced carbon emissions from stores by 30 per cent, relative to growth
- · Reduced emissions to air from escaped refrigeration gasses by 47 per cent, relative to growth
- · Reduced energy-related carbon emissions from store deliveries by 34 per cent, relative to growth
- · Increased the measurement of water use to 90 per cent, up from 65 per cent in 2005
- · Reduced the proportion of waste sent to landfill to 7 per cent, down from 43 per cent in 2005
It states that the retail industry has met its commitment to increase transparency on food waste by publishing a combined food waste figure which shows that the seven supermarkets signed up to this initiative generated approximately 200,000 tonnes of food waste in 2013, just 1.3 per cent of the 15 million tonnes disposed of in the UK each year. The initiative will report annually on progress against this baseline figure.
See the full report here. You can also read more about various industry sustainability initiatives on our website.
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