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Behaviour change: Government response to the House of Lords report

The FCRN mailing of 26 July reported on the publication of the House of Lords Science and Technology Committee’s report on behaviour change. The report examines the effectiveness of current UK government approaches to achieving public changes in behaviour across a range of areas (from smoking cessation to energy efficiency) but focuses in particular on government’s approaches to addressing obesity and and reducing private car use. For the FCRN summary and link to the report see here .

The Government has now responded to the report, and this response can be found here.

Baroness Neuberger, Chair of the Behaviour Change inquiry, said: “I am pleased that the Government agree with the majority of conclusions and recommendations made in the Behaviour Change Report. However, their response leaves some questions unanswered. In particular, I remain concerned about the Government’s policies on food labelling, advertising and marketing aimed at children, and the future role of the Public Health Responsibility Deal. I look forward to further debate on these and other issues raised in the Behaviour Change Report in due course.”

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