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Australian green shopper survey

A new survey has found that only 13% of Australians buy environmentally-sustainable food and groceries from the supermarket although 80% ‘consider’ sustainability issues. The research was commissioned by the Australian Food And Grocery Council (AFGC), Woolworths Limited, Amcor and EPA Victoria and undertaken by NetBalance.

27% of respondents said they would compromise on packaging to protect the environment, 36% said they would be prepared to pay more for ‘green’ products although confusingly 78% of people won’t pay extra for ‘sustainable’ producrts. Only 6% would give up convenience for the sake of the environment. However, 93% of people agreed that manufacturer and retailer efforts to reduce the environmental impact of products was “very important”.

Net Balance associate director Ross Wyatt, who presented the findings, said more work needed to be done to “close the widening gap” between “green intent” and green action for consumers.

You can read more in the press release here and also follow the link through to the survey itself.

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