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Australian government takes further steps towards launching a National Food Plan

The Australian Government is developing its first ever national food plan to cover different aspects of Australia's food chain and food industry over the short, medium and long-term.  The aim of the plan is to foster a sustainable, globally competitive, resilient food supply that supports access to nutritious and affordable food.

The national food plan will be developed through a green paper/white paper process.  This process will ensure that the national food plan is a significant policy statement that acts as a strong platform that will lead to better outcomes for food suppliers and consumers over the coming years and decades.

Comments made by the Australian Agricultural Minister, Joe Ludwig, can be read here.

Objectives of the National Food Plan include:

  • Identifying and mitigating potential risks to Australia’s food security
  • Contributing to global food security
  • Reducing barriers to a safe and nutritious food supply that responds to the evolving preferences and needs of all Australians and supports population health
  • Supporting the long-term economic, environmental and social sustainability of Australia’s food supply chain
  • Supporting the global competitiveness and productivity growth of the food supply chain, including through research, science and innovation
  • Reducing barriers faced by food businesses to access international; and domestic markets
  • Contributing to economic prosperity, employment and community wellbeing in regional Australia.

For further information regarding the Australian national food plan see here.

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