This book explores food production and culinary practice along with their ecological underpinnings. It focuses on the cultural context of India whilst investigating humans within the process of food production throughout the global food system. Readers will find discussions of the representations of food across media sources such as film, literature, and digital media and critiques of agricultural and food practices. It contributes to the conversation around the Anthropocene and food systems.
This book explores food production and culinary practice along with their ecological underpinnings. It focuses on the cultural context of India whilst investigating humans within the process of food production throughout the global system. Readers will find discussions of the representations of food across media sources such as film, literature, and digital media and critiques of agricultural and food practices. It contributes to the conversation around the Anthropocene and food systems.
Publisher’s description
Anthropocene Ecologies of Food provides a detailed exploration of cross-cultural aspects of food production, culinary practices, and their ecological underpinning in culture. The authors draw connections between humans and the entire process of global food production, focusing on the broad implications these processes have within the geographical and cultural context of India. Each chapter analyzes and critiques existing agricultural/food practices, and representations of aspects of food through various media (such as film, literature, and new media) as they relate to global issues generally and Indian contexts specifically, correcting the omission of analyses focused on the Global South in virtually all of the work that has been done on "Anthropocene ecologies of food." This unique volume employs an ecocritical framework that connects food with the land, in physical and virtual communities, and the book as a whole interrogates the meanings and implications of the Anthropocene itself.
Estok, S.C., Deborah, S.S., Alex, R.K., 2022. Anthropocene Ecologies of Food: Notes from the Global South. Taylor & Francis.
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