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Africa College Conference on food security, health and Impact

Over 170 people attended the first Africa College International Conference on Food Security, Health and Impact held in Leeds from 22-24th June, 2011. This looked at the complex challenges of achieving food security in the context of global warming, increasing population and constrained resources, whilst also protecting the environment.

Speakers included Bob Watson (Defra Chief Scientist) Akin Adesina (then AGRA Vice President and now Minister of Agriculture, Nigeria), Lindiwe Sibanda (CEO, FANRPAN), Monty Jones (FARA), Tim Lang (City University), Dennis Garrity (DG, World Agroforestry Centre), Christian Borgemeister (DG, ICIPE), Jacques Berger (IRD), Tim Benton (University of Leeds), Molly Jahn (University of Madison-Wisconsin),and Nicolas Bricas (CIRAD).

The College has placed videos and presentations of the key speakers online; these are definitely worth looking through.

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