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Addressing Agriculture in Climate Change Negotiations: A Scoping Report

Addressing Agriculture in Climate Change Negotiations: A Scoping Report, published in 2011 by The Meridian Institute, was developed by a team of expert authors convened and facilitated by Meridian Institute and is the result of an eight-month consultative effort with UNFCCC negotiators and other key stakeholders to help identify the most salient topics and questions to address for agriculture.

Addressing Agriculture in Climate Change Negotiations: A Scoping Report, published in 2011 by The Meridian Institute, was developed by a team of expert authors convened and facilitated by Meridian Institute and is the result of an eight-month consultative effort with UNFCCC negotiators and other key stakeholders to help identify the most salient topics and questions to address for agriculture.

The aim of the report is to provide independent, objective analysis intended to inform the international climate negotiations and other processes in the area of agriculture and climate change. In doing so, the report covers the following topics: agricultural production and food security; early action; trade; finance, technology and capacity building; and performance and benefits measurement.

For further inquiries about the report, contact Kristy Buckley.

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