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Ep25: What is ecomodernism? (with Helen Breewood)

Episode summary

In this mini-episode, TABLE staff member Helen Breewood joins Feed co-hosts to talk about her new publication, "What is ecomodernism?", co-authored with Tara Garnett. The explainer describes the values, goals, and practical solutions promoted by ecomodernists; what they would mean for land use and the food system; the history of the ideas that underlie ecomodernism; and the main contestations around the values and evidence underpinning ecomodernism. We ask Helen about the explainer, the challenging review process, and how she changed her views on the topic.

Read the full explainer here.

We held a webinar about ecomodernism on 15 June 2022. Watch the recording here.

[ Transcript available ]

About Helen Breewood

Helen Breewood is a Research and Communications Officer at TABLE. Helen holds an MEng and BA in Chemical Engineering via Natural Sciences from the University of Cambridge. During her MPhil at the University of Manchester, she used life cycle assessment to calculate the environmental impacts of meals prepared in a canteen. ​She also worked on Maastricht University's project to create the world's first lab-grown burger. Helen blogs about global sustainability problems and solutions at The Progress Motive.


Related resources on Ecomodernism

TABLE Explainer: What is ecomodernism? (Breewood and Garnett, 2022)

An Ecomodernist Manifesto (2015)

The Breakthrough Institute


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