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Ep19: Introducing Season 2 - Power in the food system

Episode summary

Feed Season 2 kicks off introducing our theme for the season: power in the food system. Across the season we’ll speak with researchers, farmers, activists and others to dig into what kind of power shapes food systems, if this needs to change, and how. Send us an e-mail to or join the discussion and let us know what aspects of power you’d like to us to explore and which guests you’d like us to speak to throughout this season.

[ Transcript available ]


Featured speakers: past episodes

Why isn't food on the COP agenda? (part 1) featured Vera Röös, Pete Ritchie and Marta Suplicy.

Food systems investors on COP (part 2) featured Thomas Peterson and Annalisa Tarizzo.


Featured speakers: episodes coming soon

Philip Howard is a Professor in the Department of Community Sustainability Michigan State University, a member of IPES-Food, the International Panel of Experts on sustainable food systems, and author of Concentration and Power in the Food system.

Julie Guthman is Professor of Social Sciences at the University of California, Santa Cruz and is the current Principal Investigator of the Agri-Food Technology Research (AFTeR) project, which "explores the emerging Silicon Valley-based Food Tech and Ag Tech sectors across a broad range of innovations, seeking to understand the transformative potential of novel agro-food tech products and the visions that underpin them." Her previous books include Agrarian Dreams: The Paradox of Organic Farming in California and Weighing In: Obesity, Food Justice, and the Limits of Capitalism.

Philip McMichael is a Professor Emeritus of Global Development, formerly of the Department of Development Sociology, which he chaired in 1999-2005, and in 2014-15. Trained as a historical sociologist, Philip’s research focuses on questions of development and social change, and agri-food structuring and restructuring of the modern world, from international political economy and political ecology perspectives. Phillip's previous books include Contesting Development: Critical Struggles for Social Change (ed), and Food Regimes and Agrarian Questions?

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