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Ep17: Why isn't food on the COP agenda? (part 1)

Episode summary

Why was food absent from the climate agenda in COP-26, the global gathering that took place in Scotland in November 2021? In this bonus episode, we speak with different people who attended or advocated at COP for food to be more central to the climate agenda. We hear from a youth activist (Vera Röös), a representative of civil society (Pete Ritchie at Nourish Scotland) and a politician (Secretary of International Affairs Marta Suplicy in São Paulo), who say we cannot reach emission reduction targets without looking at food systems. In part two of this episode we will speak to policy and finance experts to hear some other perspectives on COP-26.

[ Transcript available ]

Speaker Bios

Vera Röös

Vera is a youth activist in Uppsala, Sweden. She is member of the youth Green Party in Sweden, and is involved with the Federation of Young European greens.

Pete Ritchie

Pete is the executive director at Nourish Scotland and has a background in community development and social policy. As executive director, Pete is responsible with the board and staff team for focusing Nourish Scotland’s work where it can be most effective. This includes engaging with policy-makers and stakeholders as well as working for change from the bottom-up with grassroots groups. As well as working at Nourish, Pete runs Whitmuir Organic Farm with his partner Heather Anderson.

Secretary Marta Suplicy

Secretary Marta Suplicy is the Municipal Secretary for International Relations of the City of São Paulo. Marta has a psychology graduate at PUC (Pontifical Catholic University of São Paulo), with a postgraduate degree from Stanford and a Master's degree from the State University of Michigan. Her work and political experience in São Paulo includes Mayor from 2001-2004, Federal Deputy, Minister of Tourism, Minister of Culture, Vice President of the Senate. In the House and Senate, she was the author of most projects on LGBTQI + rights and those referring to women's participation in policy changes. 


Further resources and recommendations

Speakers on COP-26

Wurst policy ever? German 'Veggie Day' plan leaves Greens trailing (Guardian, 2013)

Recipes for Resilience at COP 26

Glasgow Food and Climate Declaration (IPES-Food, Nourish Scotland and Partners)

White Skin, Black Fuel: On the Danger of Fossil Fascism (Andreas Malm and the Zetkin Collective, 2021)

São Paulo Municipal Programme on Food Waste and Loss Combat

São Paulo school meals programme responds to COVID-19

Related TABLE resources

What is food sovereignty? (Carlile and Kessler, 2021)

Ep9: Jessica Duncan on "We eat, drink and breathe food policy" 

Ep13: Felipe Roa-Clavijo on "Feeding the village, nation, or world"





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