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Ep13: Felipe Roa-Clavijo on "Feeding the village, nation, or world"

Episode summary

In our conversation with Felipe Roa-Clavijo (author of The Politics of Food Provisioning in Colombia: Agrarian Movements and Negotiations with the State), we discuss different narratives around food provisioning in Colombia, and find out which groups are promoting these different visions - to feed the village, feed the nation and feed the world. We talk about what it was like to be in the room during the negotiations between agrarian movements and the government, how Colombia's food system compares to the rest of Latin America, and why food can offer a valuable entry point to addressing systemic issues.

[ Transcript available ]


About Felipe Roa-Clavijo

Felipe Roa-Clavijo is a Researcher and Global Policy Lead for the Oxford Poverty and Human Development Initiative (OPHI) at the University of Oxford, and a visiting research fellow at the Kroc Institute for International Peace Studies at the University of Notre Dame, USA. In 2019, his Doctoral Thesis won the prestigious Colombian National Prize in the Social Sciences and Humanities category from the Alejandro Angel Escobar Foundation.

Felipe is the author of the forthcoming book The Politics of Food Provisioning in Colombia: Agrarian Movements and Negotiations with the State (October 2021), which explores food provisioning in Colombia by examining the role and impact of the agrarian negotiations which took place in the aftermath of the 2013–2014 national strikes.

Most of the research in the field of agrarian studies in Colombia has focused on inequalities in land distribution, the impacts of violent conflict, and most recently, the first phase of the peace agreement implementation. This book links and complements this literature by critically engaging with an original framework that uncovers the conflicts and politics of food provisioning: who produces what and where, and with what socio-economic effects. Overall, the book argues that the battleground of agrarian conflicts has moved to the field of food provisioning and using this approach has the potential to reframe the debate about the future of food and agriculture in Colombia and beyond.


Background reading and resources

The Politics of Food Provisioning in Colombia: Agrarian Movements and Negotiations with the State (Roa-Clavijo, 2021)

Monitoring report of Colombia’s Peace Accord:The Colombian Final Agreement in the Era of COVID-19: Institutional and Citizen Ownership is Key to Implementation (Kroc Institute, 2021)

TABLE explainer: What is Food Sovereignty? (Carlile, Kessler and Garnett, 2021)

Food Wars: The Global Battle for Mouths Minds and Markets (Lang and Heasman, 2015)

The Pathways Approach from the STEPS Centre


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