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Ep15. What scale for the food system? (Season 1 Recap)

Episode summary

In the final episode of our first season, we share our main findings and reflections from the past 14 conversations we had about scale in food systems. We present our guests' different views on whether local or global food systems are more sustainable and resilient, and whether that is even the right question to ask. We discuss the need for a diversity of scales and why both small and large farms and long and short supply chains are important. Finally, we examine whether large-scale elements of food systems make it difficult for smaller scale systems to survive and thrive.

[ Transcript available ]


Previous Feed episodes

We drew from many of our previous conversations. Here's the episodes we referenced broken down by topics.

What is a smallholder?

Ep1: Ken Giller on the Food Security Conundrum

Ep11: Klara Fischer on why "technology is not scale-neutral"


What future for smallholders?

Ep4: Sahil Shah on Scaling Seaweed

Ep5: Jennifer Clapp on Commodifying Food

Ep10: Vincent Ricciardi on Challenging Assumptions


Global trade and regional self-sufficiency

Ep2: Rob Bailey on Chokepoints and Vulnerabilities

Ep8: Brent Loken on "It's not so simple"

Ep12: Sophia Murphy on "Getting the global rules right"


Rejecting the local-global binary

Ep3: Lauren Baker on "Connecting local and global scale to place"

Ep4: Sahil Shah on Scaling Seaweed

Ep7: Elena Lazos Chavero on Scale, Seeds and Sovereignty

Ep11: Klara Fischer on why "technology is not scale-neutral"


Calling for governments to step up

Ep8: Brent Loken on "It's not so simple"

Ep9: Jessica Duncan on "We eat, drink and breathe food policy"

Ep13: Felipe Roa-Clavijo on "Feeding the village, nation, or world"


Benefits of a diversity of scales

Ep2: Rob Bailey on Chokepoints and Vulnerabilities

Ep5: Jennifer Clapp on Commodifying Food

Ep10: Vincent Ricciardi on Challenging Assumptions

Ep12: Sophia Murphy on "Getting the global rules right"


How should we understand scale

Introducing Feed and our first theme: Scale in the food system

Ep6: Jamie Lorimer on the Probiotic Planet


We hope you enjoyed listening in and we'd be happy to hear what you thought of the season. Did you have a favourite episode? Were your views on scale changed or challenged by what the guests said? Which guests should we invite to discuss our next theme, "power in the food system"?

Leave us a message in the comments below!

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