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PhD: Soil biodiversity and soil health, Biodiverse Anthropocenes Research Programme, University of Oulu, Finland

University of Oulu

Advertiser's description (via the University of Oulu)

We are looking to hire a highly motivated Doctoral Researcher to join the University of Oulu’s Faculty of Humanities, Unit of History, Culture and Communications. The Doctoral Researcher position will be based in a project focusing on soil biodiversity, and more broadly soil health, as a rising concern for different groups who interact with, work with, and seek to govern land (such as conservation, agriculture, forestry, gardening, urban planning, scientific research, policy and governance, and others). The project will be situated within the interdisciplinary arena of environmental social sciences, and will be led by Dr. Anna Krzywoszynska, Associate Professor at the University of Oulu.

We are looking for a talented and highly motivated research-oriented person interested in how a concern with, and interest in, the life in soils intersects with broader debates around sustainability, biodiversity, climate change, and the Anthropocene.

More specifically, we welcome research ambitions that connect practices, knowledges, and affects around soil biodiversity with broader societal developments and current discussions on sustainability, governance, and resilience. The focus of the specific doctoral project is open, but could be, for example, on any of the following themes:

  • understandings of and conflicts around the concept of soil biodiversity in and between different knowledge communities (such as scientists, conservationists, farmers, indigenous pastoralists);
  • the concerns around the protection of soil biodiversity in governance and policy at various levels;
  • the exploration and manipulation of soil biodiversity in agri-food research and practice;
  • the debates and practices linking soil biodiversity with climate change governance and adaptation;
  • current and historical practices of soil biodiversity research and monitoring, and their contemporary relevance;
  • artistic and visioning engagement with soils as living ecosystems;
  • alternative land management and/or food production practices which include a concern with soil biodiversity (or more broadly soil health and soil life).

You are very welcome to propose any research topic of relevance to the intersection of soil biodiversity with other issues related to sustainability, climate change, and the Anthropocene.


Read more here. Applications are open until 6 October 2022.