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Fellowship: 4th Cohort for the African Food Fellowship

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Advertiser's description:

We are recruiting 80 food systems leaders in Kenya and Rwanda to join the African Food Fellowship, 40 for each country. 

We are building a radical movement of leaders working to transform food systems in Africa. We provide world class training, platforms, and networks to spark collaborative action for healthy, inclusive, and sustainable food systems.

We provide opportunities for food systems leaders in Africa to connect and build relationships with their peers and gain essential food systems and leadership knowledge to transform food systems. Fellows are not just beneficiaries of these facilities; you are co-creators and co-owners. You contribute your knowledge, skills, and networks, and get the same back. 

We offer you a space to: 

  • Connect:
    We provide a space where you can interact and create lasting relationships which are purpose-driven, and focused on inclusion, health, and sustainability.  
  • Learn:
    We provide specialized food systems leadership training that offers you the skills and knowledge to be good food systems leaders. This will shift your mind set and create a shared language to understand how food systems are structured, why challenges persist, and how food systems leaders can contribute to creating sustainable alternatives.   
  • Act:
    We support you as you design, implement, and adapt your food systems actions. These are radical efforts and practices that redirect food systems towards health, inclusion, and sustainability. You will identify common challenges and work with others towards collective solutions. We support your work by facilitating access to industry experts and decision-makers, curating virtual and physical collaborative spaces, and providing platforms for you to share your work with wider audiences 

Please note: The participation fee for the FSLP is USD800, which can be paid in two instalments. We offer scholarships to Fellows who cannot raise the full fee. 

