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Plates, pyramids and planets

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TABLE Explainers are short, peer-reviewed introductions to concepts and debates that are important for understanding food systems and food sustainability. We aim for every piece to be reviewed by people who hold different viewpoints on the topic, to ensure that we have accurately described the parameters of the debate. To give feedback or suggest future explainer topics, please contact Tara.


In addition to the explainers, we also provide building blocks, chapters, and summaries. Here are the differences between them:

  • Explainers are short, peer-reviewed introductions to food system and food sustainability concepts and debates.
  • Building Blocks are short, factual overviews of single concepts.
  • Chapters offer a more structured entry point to food systems thinking, concerns and topics.
  • Summaries distil the key points from explainers and building blocks into 2 or 3 pages.

Some of the explainers here were originally published on Foodsource, a free educational website that was run by the Food Climate Research Network (FCRN), TABLE’s forerunner. The content on Foodsource has now been integrated into TABLE’s website.