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Webinar: Talk about food-related ill health: another way to shift the conversation

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Event date
Event time
12:30pm GMT

Advertiser's Description (via FrameWorks UK)

Join us for insights and tips to help shift the conversation on children's health and food in ways that boost support for vital change.

This webinar will be around 1 hour including time for questions.

How we communicate about children’s health and food matters because this has the power to fundamentally change how people understand the problems we’re up against, and the solutions that are necessary and possible.

In this webinar, we'll be sharing findings and recommendations from our latest research with Impact on Urban Health – exploring how using the term “food-related ill health” can help to change the conversation about children’s health and food in ways that will boost support for action.

We'll also be exploring how the images we use in our communications play an important part in telling our story, and sharing details of a new, free bank of images created by Impact on Urban Health and FrameWorks UK.