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Unlocking the Power of Planning in England

The logo for Sustainable Food Places
Event date
Event time
14:00 - 15:30 BST

Organiser's description (via Sustainable Food Places):

Sustain and Sustainable Food Places are hosting a session to support food partnerships and other organisations who want to influence planning in their areas to deliver healthier and more sustainable food systems. This event is for food partnerships and other organisations that have so far not considered how local planning policies affect the food environment, or want to be better equipped with skills and approaches.

In this session, you will:

  • better understand how the planning system works and affects the food system
  • find out how planning can unlock a healthier food environment
  • learn how planning can address the climate & nature emergency and river pollution
  • hear from food partnerships that have successfully engaged in their areas' Local Plans.

Programme and speakers

  • Planning for a good food environment (Gillian Morgan, Sustain): an introduction to local plan making and the role of Sustainable Food Places in unlocking a helathy food environment
  • Local perspective - Sheffield (Ben Arnold, Sheffield City Council & Gareth Roberts, Regather): Contributing to Sheffield Local Plan consultation, submission content, achievements and outcomes
  • Q&A
  • Discussion: Local experiences, areas with Local Plans open for consultations, upcoming opportunities
  • Planning for the Planet (Ruth Westcott, Sustain): Local councils have the power to support nature friendly farming, tackle river pollution and protect wildlife through planning – but are they using these powers, and how can SFPs help?
  • Q&A and discussion

Before the session: