Organiser's description
In-person Supporter Ticket - £155 (+ £7.75 booking fee)
Online Supporter Ticket - £45 (+ £2.75 booking fee)
Supporter tickets for the first hybrid ORFC are now on sale! These tickets are for anyone who can pay a little more so we can provide low-cost tickets and bursaries for people to attend – either in-person or online – who might find the cost of a ticket a barrier.
Buying an ORFC supporter ticket is an act of solidarity with others in the movement who don’t have the same financial means. These may be new entrant or small-scale farmers and producers, people on low wages or no wages, and people from disadvantaged backgrounds. Your financial support enables us to increase the amount of free and low-cost tickets we make available and will help to increase equity and diversity across the whole conference.
This year we are asking attendees to tell us a little more about themselves ahead of the conference. This is for us to understand who our community is and who we might not be reaching yet. When booking tickets you will notice a few short additional questions. These are optional, but we’d appreciate your help in filling them out.
(Please note general tickets will go on sale later in September.)
What to Expect from ORFC23
This year’s hybrid conference will span three days, starting with online-only sessions on Wednesday 4th January. The in-person conference will start on Thursday, 5th January, with early check-in on the evening of Wednesday, 4th January. An online ticket will give you access to 20 + sessions live-streamed from Oxford, plus at least 30 online-only sessions with speakers from around the world. An in-person ticket will give you access to all the sessions in Oxford (100 +) and all the online sessions, which will also be recorded and available to watch after the conference.
To show our gratitude for your support, those who buy an in-person supporter ticket will have their name or the name of their organisation printed in the ORFC programme, while those who buy an online supporter ticket will have their name printed on our website.
We look forward to seeing you - online and in-person - in January 2023.
Read more here.