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Seeds of Change: The power of youth in global food governance

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Event date
Event time
10.00-12.30 EST / 16.00-18.30 CEST

Organiser's description (via IPES Food):

Join us for this online event organised by Dutch (UN) youth representatives on Biodiversity and Food, the Civil Society and Indigenous Peoples’ Mechanism for relations with the UN Committee on World Food Security (CSIPM), FIAN International and IPES-Food to discuss meaningful youth participation in international food governance.

Seeds of Change: The Power of Youth in International Food Governance, is a webinar for young people, aimed at making young people’s voices heard and heeded in decision-making over global food systems.

Youth dialogue

The event will consist of short presentations, a panel and Q&A, and a facilitated dialogue with participants. 

People under 30 make up almost half of the world’s population, and are amongst the most affected by food policy making and the effects of climate change. However, youth voices continue to be underrepresented in global governance spaces on food.

This is especially true of young people from the Global South, BIPOC communities, and working class backgrounds, as well as young womxn and queer folx, who often struggle to find a way into decision-making spaces. 


This online event seeks to address this underrepresentation by bringing together a host of young people from around the world engaged in global food system governance, researchers tackling food systems from different perspectives, and specialist guest speakers, to create a safe space for youth dialogue.

We wish to share experiences and begin to collectively explore what meaningful youth participation in international food governance can look like and what is needed to support this.

The event will be held in English, French and Spanish with simultaneous interpretation.