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Global Survey on the Development of a 10YFP Programme on Sustainable Food Systems

Are you interested in contributing to the development of an international programme on Sustainable Food Systems?

A global survey conducted by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations and the United Nations Environment Programme is now open to receive your input on future actions towards achieving more sustainable food systems.

The survey will be used to help develop a 10YFP Programme on Sustainable Food Systems.

The 10YFP is a global action framework to enhance international cooperation on sustainable consumption and production (SCP), agreed by Heads of State at the United Nations Conference on Sustainable Development, Rio+20 Conference in June 2012 (see

Actors including governments, private companies, civil society, researchers, UN agencies, financial institutions and others from all countries are invited to participate in the survey.
To access the survey in English click here:     

Pour accéderà la consultation en ligne en français, veuillez cliquer ici:

Para acceder la encuesta en español haga clic aquí:

The survey is expected to take 20 minutes.  If you would like to receive additional information, please contact:

The Survey period will end 23/07/2014.

We would appreciate if you could support us in disseminating information about this survey in your social networks, newsletters, and websites.    

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