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WHO launches country profiles to help action on health and climate change

WHO has released a first set of Climate Change and Health Country Profiles that provide a snapshot of up-to-date information about the current and future impacts of climate change on human health. The Climate and Health Country Profile project is an ongoing initiative that supports interested WHO Member States in finalising country profiles through a country consultation process.

The project outlines current policy responses at country level and opportunities for health co-benefits from climate mitigation actions. The broader aim with these profiles is to empower Ministers of Health and other decision-makers to contribute to the COP21 climate negotiations. WHO, in collaboration with the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change Secretariat and other partners is compiling consistent information at global and at country level on health risks from climate change, and potential health (and nutrition) benefits of adaptation and mitigation policies.  This first set of Climate Change and Health Country Profiles includes Bangladesh, Brazil, Colombia, Egypt, Ethiopia, Ghana, Malaysia, Morocco, Nigeria, Oman, Peru, Philippines, Tanzania and Thailand. Other country profiles to be released soon are UK and Germany.

In addition to the country profiles, WHO has also published a report that provides a global outlook on the links between health and climate.  It provides an overview of the global consequences, for climate and health, of collectively acting, or failing to act, to address climate change and its associated health risks.

You can find more information here and see the press release here. To see the country profiles directly, click here.  For the global overview document take a look here.

You can find further resources focusing on the links between health and climate in our research library. We have summarised the report Planetary Health: Safeguarding Human Health in the Anthropocene Epoch by The Rockefeller Foundation and The Lancet Commission. See also categories on Health issues, climate change: impacts and adaptation, Health concerns, Health policy, Global health.

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