This book takes an interdisciplinary look at the pressures facing food systems in Southern Africa, covering topics such as economic drivers, population, climate change, water and soil fertility.
Publisher’s summary
This book provides a synthesis of the key issues and challenges facing agriculture and food production in Southern Africa.
Southern Africa is facing numerous challenges from diverse issues such as agricultural transformations, growing populations, urbanisation and climate change. These challenges place great pressure on food security, agriculture, water availability and other natural resources, as well as impacting biodiversity. Drawing on case studies from Lesotho, Malawi, Mozambique, Namibia, South Africa, Swaziland, Tanzania, Zambia and Zimbabwe, the chapters in this book consider these challenges from an interdisciplinary perspective, covering key areas in constraints to production, the most important building blocks of good farming practices, and established and emerging technologies. This book will be a valuable support for informing new policies and processes aimed at improving food production and security and developing sustainable agriculture in Southern Africa.
This informative volume will be key reading for those interested in agricultural science, African studies, rural studies, development studies and sustainability. It will also be a valuable resource for policymakers, governmental and nongovernmental organizations, and agricultural practitioners.
Sikora, R. A., Terry, E. R., Vlek, P. L. G., and Chitja, J. (eds.) (2019). Transforming Agriculture in Southern Africa: Constraints, Technologies, Policies and Processes. Routledge, Abingdon.
Read more here. See also the Foodsource chapter Impacts of climatic and environmental change on food systems.
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