This report identifies how agriculture contributes to global climate change and seeks to dissolve the false dichotomy between achieving food security or environmental health.
The report juxtaposes current GHG trends with the global mitigation potential for the year 2030 and identifies a number of solutions that pertain to both production and consumption patterns. Supply-side strategies for agricultural production included sustainable intensification, improving nitrogen fertilizer management and production, reducing emissions from enteric fermentation, sequestering carbon in agricultural systems, reducing methane emissions from rice cultivation, and managing manure. Demand-side strategies focused on addressing food waste and unsustainable dietary trends.
Strategies for Mitigating Climate Change in Agriculture, a California Environmental Associates and Climate Focus authored report, finds that annual carbon emissions from global agriculture can be reduced by as much as 50 to 90 percent by 2030. The study highlights key strategies – led by reduced global beef consumption, reduced food waste, and better farm nutrient management and production – that can deliver big climate wins while maintaining food security and building resilience. This report is an abridged version of "Strategies for Mitigating Climate Change in Agriculture: Recommendations for Philanthropy", which the Climate and Land Use Alliance commissioned to help philanthropic organizations identify opportunities to reduce greenhouse gas emissions in the agricultural sector. The full report includes recommendations for interventions and a technical annex.
Dickie, A., Streck, C., Roe, S., Zurek, M., Haupt, F., Dolginow, A. 2014. “Strategies for Mitigating Climate Change in Agriculture: Abridged Report.” Climate Focus and California Environmental Associates, prepared with the support of the Climate and Land Use Alliance. Report and supplementary materials available at: www.agriculturalmitigation.org
Read the full report here.
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