On 9 July 2021, TABLE and the Global Alliance for the Future of Food co-hosted an “Ask The Author” session with Carl Obst (IDEAA-group) and Lauren Baker (GA), discussing Chapter 1 "From Practice to Policy: New Metrics for the 21st Century", from the new 2021 book True Cost Accounting for Food: Balancing the Scale.
Ask the author sessions provide a space for an author-led discussion and reflection on a recent publication (journal article, report, etc.) on a topic relevant to food systems sustainability.
Lauren Baker began with a short presentation that highlights the themes of the book, followed by Carl Obst presenting the key findings from the chapter, after which the floor was opened for 40 minutes of questions and comments.
After the formal end of the event, people stayed on to continue discussing the paper for an additional 20 minutes (which was not recorded). Thank you all for your interest and enthusiasm in this discussion.
A summary of the book can be found here. Recording available below.
Ask the author recording (9 July 2021)
A few additional resources that may be of interest:
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