This book, edited by John Stafford, reviews many of the technologies used in precision agriculture, such as drones, spray technologies and modelling systems, and examines how they can be used, for example to manage fertiliser applications, for irrigation and for protecting crops.
Publisher’s summary
Precision agriculture is based on the ability to identify inter and intra-field variability and to use this information for more targeted crop management. By using resources more efficiently, precision agriculture can make agriculture more productive and sustainable. This volume reviews the key elements of and advances in precision agriculture technology and applications.
Part 1 looks at monitoring techniques, including proximal soil and crop sensors and remote sensing technologies. The book then goes on to discuss how this information is processed to identify management zones and input targets as well as the delivery mechanisms required such as variable rate application and targeted spray technologies. The final part of the book surveys the wide range of applications of precision agriculture, from controlled traffic farming to site-specific nutrient and water management.
With its distinguished editor and international team of subject experts, this will be a standard reference for crop scientists and agronomists as well as all those concerned with improving the efficiency and sustainability of agriculture.
Stafford, J. (ed.), 2018. Precision agriculture for sustainability. Burleigh Dodds Science Publishing, Cambridge, United Kingdom.
For more details, see here. See also the Foodsource resource How far could changes in production practices reduce GHG emissions?
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