The The Human Dynamics of Climate Change map has been created in a joint effort by scientists and policymakers and it shows how climate change could affect people all over the world by the end of the century if carbon emissions continue unabated.
It incorporates data on topics like changes in water run-off and demand for irrigation, crop yields and the risk of droughts and flood risk. It includes both present-day information and predictions of what will happen by 2100, assuming a business as usual scenario in which no serious effort goes into limiting the effects of climate change, and in which economic and population growth continue as usual.
It was launched at the Foreign and Commonwealth Office and developed by the Met Office Hadley Centre, with help and data from institutions including NERC's Centre for Ecology & Hydrology, the The Inter-Sectoral Impact Model Intercomparison Project, the universities of Utrecht and Southampton, the Global Climate Forum, the Agricultural Model Intercomparison and Improvement Project, and the Centre for Robust Decision Making on Climate and Energy Policy.
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