This book presents case studies and guidance on extracting high-value compounds from waste and by-products from foods such as dairy, meat, sweet potato, cereals and olive oil.
Publisher’s summary
Generating of agricultural wastes and by-products during the production, processing and consumption of agricultural commodities is unavoidable and over the last decades, an increased public interest has been shown in the challenge of food wastage. Apart from its significant quantities, the physicochemical characteristics of the various agricultural waste and by-products denote that there is immense potential for their reuse, recycle, and valorisation through various different processes.
Green Extraction and Valorisation of By-Products from Food Processing provides an overview about the valorisation or reuse of agricultural wastes and by-products during the production, processing and consumption of agricultural commodities. Waste disposal and by-product management in food processing industry pose problems in the areas of environmental protection and sustainability. However, they could be a great source of valuable nutraceuticals, which can be used to deal with the prospects of feeding fast growing population in the 21st century.
Barba, F.J., Soto, E.R., Brncic, M. and Rodriquez, J.M.L., 2019. Green Extraction and Valorization of By-Products from Food Processing. CRC Press, Boca Raton.
Read more here. See also the Foodsource building block What is food loss and food waste?
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