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Food research international special volume: Impacts of climate change on food safety

This special issue focuses on the implications of climate change for food safety.

The introductory paper to the series briefly summarizes the current state of knowledge.   It states that:

“…the field studying climate change impacts on food safety has only just set off. This special issue comprises reviews, field studies, statistical and scenario analyses, risk assessments and an adaptation study that moves the field forward and may be incorporated in a next IPCC assessment report.”

The twelve articles in the issue cover topics including: the impact of climate change on pesticide use; on transmission of foodborne parasites and on moulds; as well as risk assessment frameworks and scenarios modelling.

They can all be found here.

The citation for the introductory article which summarises these papers is:  

Uyttendaele M., Liu, C., Hofstra, N., 2015, Impacts of climate change on food safety Food Research International, Volume 68, Pages 1-108 
Read the full paper here.

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