This book explores microbiological and biotechnological advances in food production, covering topics such as food safety, fermentation for preservation, sustainable production of seafood, food additives and bioprocesses to make agri-food wastes safe.
Publisher’s summary
Food Microbiology and Biotechnology: Safe and Sustainable Food Production explores the most important advances in food microbiology and biotechnology, with special emphasis on the challenges that the industry faces in the era of sustainable development and food security problems.
Chapters cover broad research areas that offer original and novel highlights in microbiology and biotechnology and other related sciences. The authors discuss food bioprocesses, fermentation, food microbiology, functional foods, nutraceuticals, extraction of natural products, nano- and micro-technology, innovative processes/bioprocesses for utilisation of by-products, alternative processes requiring less energy or water, among other topics. The volume relates some of the current developments in food microbiology that address the relationship between the production, processing, service and consumption of foods and beverages with the bacteriology, mycology, virology, parasitology, and immunology.
Demonstrating the potential and actual developments across the innovative advances in food microbiology and biotechnology, this volume will be of great interest to students, teachers, and researchers in the areas of biotechnology and food microbiology.
Nevárez-Moorillón, G. V., Prado-Barragán, A., Martínez-Hernández, J. L. and Aguilar, C. N. (eds.) (2020). Food Microbiology and Biotechnology: Safe and Sustainable Food Production. Apple Academic Press, Palm Bay.
Read more here. See also the Foodsource resource What is food security?
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