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First report from IPES-Food: Who shapes food systems, and who has a say in how they are reformed?

This report was produced by the International Panel of Experts on Sustainable Food Systems, IPES-Food -a new transdisciplinary initiative to support, inform and advise the policy debate on how to reform food systems across the world.

The report, entitled The New Science of Sustainable Food Systems: Overcoming Barriers to Food Systems Reform, makes the case for reaching beyond the traditional bounds of the scientific community.

“We need to look at food systems through a new lens,” said the co-chairs of IPES-Food: Olivier De Schutter, former UN Special Rapporteur on the right to food, and ex-UNICEF nutrition expert Olivia Yambi. “This lens must be wide enough to consider questions like impacts on health and nutrition, environmental degradation and small-scale farmers’ livelihoods simultaneously, as the component parts of wider systemic problems.”

In the report IPES-Food also set out its vision to work with other initiatives to unify food governance spaces, to promote a holistic food systems analysis, and to seek leverage points for change across food systems.

Read more and download the full report and executive summary here.

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