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Featured Reports FAO report on ‘Nutrition-sensitive agriculture and food systems in practice: options for intervention’

This report by the FAO aims to equip policymakers in ministries of agriculture and rural development, development partners and others with the tools they need to design nutrition-sensitive food and agriculture policies and programmes.

The report emphasises that although political commitment and efforts to make agriculture and food security policies and programmes “nutrition-sensitive” are growing, and while investment and contribution to multi-sectoral nutrition strategies are increasing, there is still a lack of capacity (and operational tools) to transform this commitment into action.

This report as its title suggests, focuses on the options for intervention and tries to meet this need by providing a list of food system-based approaches that hold potential for improving nutrition and a set of very concrete entry points for maximizing the impact of each of these interventions, including through the creation of an enabling environment.

This tool is part of a broader package of guidance materials for programme planners and policy makers, the FAO Toolkit for nutrition-sensitive agriculture and food systems, which includes: 

  • Key recommendations for improving nutrition through agriculture and food systems
  • Designing nutrition-sensitive agriculture investments
  • Checklist and guidance for programme formulation
  • Compendium of indicators for nutrition-sensitive agriculture

You can read the full report here

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