Following the release last year of the report on ‘Sustainable Intensification in Agriculture’ by the FCRN and the Oxford Martin Programme on the Future of Food, around 30 experts in this field, from academic, governmental, NGO and industrial organisations, were asked to give their comments on the report.
They were asked two key questions:
- Where has the report helped resolve issues, and where it is misguided or simply wrong?
- How should we move forward, and what is required for sustainable intensification to become a concept useful for those charged with implementing policy?
These comments have all been compiled into a report which can be downloaded here. However, before reading them, we suggest you first read the original report.
Science will be publishing an article by the authors on sustainable intensification on July 5th 2013. If you are interested in reading it, please check back here then, or sign up to our newsletters (FCRN and Future of Food).
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