This event was hosted by TABLE on 18 April 2024 and took the format of a panel discussion with:
Matthew Kessler (TABLE);
Madeleine Fogde (Swedish International Agricultural Network Initiative, SIANI);
Alice Tunfjord (Stockholm Environment Institute, SEI).
Original event description
We've all heard calls for "Food systems transformation" - but how does it actually happen?
Throughout 2024, TABLE will be hosting Ask the Author sessions with researchers and practitioners who are trying to answer and implement food system transformation. These provide an intimate space for author-led discussions and reflections on recent publications (journal article, report, etc.) relevant to food systems sustainability.
Ask the Author: Leveraging networks to transform food systems (w/ SIANI)
Our first event explores the methodology outlined in one food systems organization’s theory of change. For over 15 years, SIANI (more info below) has refined a theory of change that taps into its extensive networks to drive positive food systems outputs and outcomes in the communities it serves.
This session will be grounded in a detailed examination of parts of SIANI’s programme document, highlighting their approach to developing, implementing and evaluating their theory of change. We'll discuss how SIANI defines its objectives, measures impact, addresses conflicting goals among food system stakeholders, and aligns its work with wider food systems transformation initiatives.
Who is this for?
We're calling on researchers and practitioners in food systems transformation to engage in this discussion. To keep the events accessible for everyone, we will stream the event via Zoom Webinar, where the audience can type their questions. In the registration form, you can also indicate whether you’d like to join as a panelist and ask your questions directly to the authors.
For those who wish to join as a panelist we ask that you review the SIANI programme document, specifically pages 6-8 and 21-35.
Download the SIANI Programme Document PDF
Speaker Bios
The Swedish International Agricultural Network Initiative, SIANI, envisions a future where food systems are sustainable, rights-based, and inclusive of smallholder farmers and marginalized groups. Its mission is to foster multisector dialogue and action for food systems transformation, both in Sweden and worldwide, engaging academia, the private sector, public authorities, and civil society.
Alice Tunfjord, Associate in the Agriculture, Land and Bioeconomy Team at SEI Headquarters, has a focus on project Monitoring, Evaluation and Learning (MEL) with SIANI. Alice has experience from civil society, research institutes and the public sector, including the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (Sida), the Association for Development Issues, and the Center for International Forestry Research (CIFOR).
Madeleine Fogde, SIANI Programme Director, has worked extensively with program development, information dissemination, capacity development and adult learning in Southern Africa with focus on Mozambique since 1993.
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