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Book: “Visualizing Climate Change: A Guide to Visual Communication of Climate Change and Developing Local Solutions” by Stephen R.J. Sheppard

Carbon dioxide and global climate change are largely invisible, and the prevailing imagery of climate change is often remote (such as ice floes melting) or abstract and scientific (charts and global temperature maps). Using visual imagery such as 3D and 4D visualizations of future landscapes, community mapping, and iconic photographs, this book demonstrates new ways to make carbon and climate change visible  in our own backyards and local communities.

Colour imagery explains how climate change works where we live, and reveals how we often conceal, misinterpret, or overlook the evidence of climate change impacts and our carbon usage that causes them. The guide seeks to bring to life both the science and the practical solutions for climate change, such as local renewable energy and flood protection. It introduces new visual tools (from outdoor signs to video-games) for communities, action groups, planners, and other experts to use in engaging the public, building awareness and accelerating action on climate change.

For more details see here.

FCRN members may purchase the book directly from the publishers at 20% discount, by entering the discount code AF20 at the checkout.

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