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Book: Food Security in Australia

This book deals with three main food issues in Australia: equity and access to nutritious diets, food production and trade, and the relevance of land use planning for the long-term viability of food production,  articularly around major Australian cities.

Food Security in Australia: Challenges and Prospects for the Future provides critical insights from a wide range of authors into three main food issues in Australia: equity and access to nutritious diets, food production and trade, and the relevance of land use planning for the long-term viability of food production,  articularly around major Australian cities. The book is intended to inform scholarly debate as well as stimulate further investigation and action on food security and sovereignty issues in Australia and internationally.


Farmar-Bowers Q, Higgins V and Millar J (eds) (2012). Food Security in Australia: Challenges and Prospects for the Future, Springer.

For more information, and to order the book see here.

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