Anaerobic digestion (AD) is the process of energy production through the production of biogas from agricultural and other organic waste. This book provides a broad introduction to AD and its potential to turn agricultural crops or crop residues, animal and other organic waste, into biomethane.
The authors show that recent advances have made smaller-scale systems more viable through a greater understanding of optimising bacterial metabolism and productivity. This is compared to the previous requirements for industrial-scale anaerobic digesters, including technical competence and high capital investment which limited the uptake of this practice. Broader issues such as life cycle assessment and energy policies to promote AD are also discussed.
When it comes to the production of biogas, the substrates used can include any non-woody materials, including grass and maize silage, seaweeds, municipal and industrial wastes. The book reviews these systematically in terms of their suitability from a biological, technical and economic perspective.
Korres, N.E., O’Kiely, P., Benzie, J.A.H. and West, J.S. (eds) Bioenergy Production by Anaerobic Digestion: Using Agricultural Biomass and Organic Wastes. Routledge: London and New York.
For more details see here.
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