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The Avocado Debate

Cover of the avocado debate, a book by Honor May Elridge with a graphic of an avocado

This work uses the avocado as a lens to analyse the impact of globalising the production of local food. Eldridge explores the economic, environmental and ethical problems raised by the transition that has occurred to meet global demand for avocados.





This book is not intended to advocate for or against the consumption of avocados in Western diets, but instead provides a critical history of how the avocado industry expanded from an everyday crop in South America to a global phenomenon. Eldridge raises serious questions around food sovereignty and food justice and the importance of establishing an agricultural system that is both environmentally and socially just. At the same time, the book also offers a wider picture of the whole food system and current issues and questions with regard to sustainable food production. 


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Whether smashed on toast or hailed as a superfood, the avocado has taken the world by storm, but what are the environmental and social impacts of this trendy fruit?

This book does not seek to demonise the avocado and its many enthusiasts. Instead, it will illuminate consumers on the often unseen impacts of foods. A staple of cafes, restaurants, homes, and social media channels, demand for the avocado has grown exponentially over the past thirty years. From an everyday crop in South and Central America to a global phenomenon, this drastic change in demand has many consequences for people and the planet. As demand grows, so does the need for more land, with land clearances threatening habitats and biodiversity. As production grows, so does global distribution and the impacts that air and sea travel have on the environment. The shift from a local to a global product disturbs the local food system, raising serious questions around food sovereignty and food justice and the importance of establishing an agricultural system that is both environmentally and socially just. While focusing here on the avocado, this book allows readers to gain a better understanding of the food system as a whole. In doing so, it empowers us all to think carefully and critically about the environmental and ethical implications of our food choices more broadly. We shouldn’t feel guilty about eating avocados, we should simply understand the impact of doing so.

This book is essential reading for all who are interested in learning more about the food system, sustainable diets, and the relationship between farming and the environment.


Eldridge, H.M. (2023) The Avocado Debate. London: Routledge


Find the book here and read our food sovereignty explainer here as well as our blog on avocados

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